
Reshaping gender roles in Indi...

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Reshaping gender roles in India: Improving women’s economic outcomes

Women with children all across the globe face the daunting task of balancing career growth with caregiving responsibilities, which often leads to career stagnation and perpetuates several gender gaps in accessing decent jobs. Globally women spend between two-10 times more on these activities, compared to men. Across G20 countries, without exception, women on average perform the majority of the daily time spent on unpaid care work, ranging from 90.5% in India to 60.2 per cent in Canada. Among the BRICS countries, in Brazil and Russia, women on an average spend 2.3 times as much time on unpaid domestic and care work than men, in South Africa, women spend up to four times more on these activities compared to men. However, India is a case in point where the contributions of women to unpaid domestic and care work surpasses all the countries with comparable economic growth. For instance, Indian women spend almost nine times more on performing these activities as compared to the men.